Initial Wellness Consultation 60 minutes $225
Initial Wellness Consultation 30 minutes $150
Follow-up Consultation $125 Add-on InBody scan $20
Virtual Initial Wellness Consultation 30 minutes $150
Virtual Follow-up Consultation $125
Holistic Illness Care $75
IV Vitamin Therapy $150
Add-on IV push $30
B12 injection $30
Specialty Injections $40
InBody Scan $25
Salt Tent Therapy $15
Red Light Therapy $30
Ionic Foot Detox $30
Bundle and Save!
Wellness Consultation Bundle $525
(Initial 60 minute Consultation +3 Follow up Consultations)
3 Follow up Consultations for $300
IV Vitamin Therapy + Initial Wellness Consultation $260
IV Vitamin Therapy + Follow-up Consultation $230
2 IV Vitamin Therapy sessions for $250
6 Specialty Injections for $200
6 B12 Injections for $150
6 InBody Scans for $99
6 Salt Tent Therapy sessions $60
6 Red Light Therapy sessions $150
4 Ionic Foot Detox sessions $80
Initial Wellness Consultation 60 minutes
During this initial consultation the nurse practitioner will take a deep dive into medical history, current medications, any copies of recent lab results you may have, and lifestyle practices. A detailed plan for any lifestyle changes, nutritional gaps will be provided. The client and NP will work to devise attainable health goals and review options for treatment. Further evaluation may be recommended such as additional laboratory testing to further identify imbalances and root cause analysis before initiating some treatments. This consultation is the perfect starting point for those with a complex medical history. This also includes a free InBody scan!
Initial Wellness Consultation 30 minutes
During this initial consultation the nurse practitioner will review any medical history, current medications, any copies of recent lab results you may have, and lifestyle practices. A detailed plan for any lifestyle changes, nutritional gaps will be provided. The client and NP will work to devise attainable health goals and review options for treatment. Further evaluation may be recommended such as additional laboratory testing to further identify imbalances and root cause analysis before initiating some treatments. This consultation is the perfect starting point for those without a complex medical history. This also includes a free InBody scan!
IV Therapy Infusion
An IV therapy infusion is delivered directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, and providing your body with the ability to better absorb nutrients you may be deficient in. The supplements in these various therapies can aid in weight loss, boosting the immune system, adequate hydration, boost energy, aid in helping the body clean up free radicals, and detoxification, just to name a few! Most of the vitamins used are water soluble, so what your body does not need, the kidneys will flush out.
In some cardiac, kidney, pulmonary conditions IV therapy may be contraindicated due to the risk of fluid overload and inability to properly metabolize infusion properties. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their OB provider or lactation consultant prior to IV therapy.
A variety of vitamins and essential minerals injected into muscular or fatty tissue to optimize metabolism, energy, immune health, and boosting overall wellness.
Peptide Therapy
Peptides are part of amino-acid chains, natural compounds found in the body, similar to proteins. Peptides are responsible for many actions in the body, down to the cellular level. The FDA has even recognized many peptides in the most recent years for their ability to facilitate healing of various skin, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hormone, and bone ailments.
Benefits of peptide therapy may include:
Promoting healing from injuries
Lean muscle growth
Metabolizing fat
Reducing fatigue
Boosting immune system
Balancing hormones
Increasing production of human growth hormone (HGH)
Increased libido
Anti-aging properties such as improvement in cognition
Please schedule Initial Wellness Consultation to discuss this treatment.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical hormones are created to biochemically match the natural hormones created by the body, unlike conventional synthetic hormone therapy. Women can begin to experience symptoms of hormone imbalance as early as 35 as they reach perimenopause, and on average are menopausal by age 51. For men, testosterone begins to slowly decline between 25-30 years of age, a significant amount of men can be deficient by age 45 and symptomatic.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance may include:
Changes in the menstrual cycle for women
Difficulty sleeping
Urinary complaints
Mood changes
Decreased libido or difficulty achieving an erection
Weight gain
Hair/skin changes
Vaginal dryness and pain with intercourse
By initiating bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, men and women can experience balancing of hormones and a decrease in unwanted symptoms as they age. Hormone therapy may be contraindicated in those with health conditions such as heart disease, history of cancer.
Please schedule Initial Wellness Consultation to discuss this treatment.
Follow -up Consultation
During this follow up appointment the nurse practitioner will review progress to health goals, review any laboratory testing, and review treatment plan, make any changes as necessary, and provide refills.
Add on an InBody scan to see your progress!
InBody Scan
A comprehensive body composition scan, identifying weight, BMI, muscle mass, fat, body water, and more! An excellent way to track and customize your wellness journey and goals!
Salt Tent Therapy
A 10 minute session relaxing and inhaling micronized salt!
Benefits may include:
Respiratory health
Immune function
Eczema/skin conditions
Sleep quality
Oxygen intake
Holistic Illness Care
Illness visits for acute conditions with a holistic/functional medicine approach!
Treated conditions:
Common cold/flu symptoms
Allergy/asthma flare-ups
Ear and sinus pain
Minor skin rashes/infections
Gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
We do NOT see emergent conditions such as:
Major skin infections/wounds
Moderate/severe shortness of breath
Chest pain
Please report to the nearest emergency room if experiencing!
Red Light Therapy (RLT)
RLT treatment is a gentle and natural treatment much like the process of photosynthesis, also known as photo-bio-stimulation. Our RLT system may use visible red (red light) and infrared (invisible light) energy to stimulate your body’s own regenerative metabolism at the cellular level.
With RLT’s ability to heal at the cellular level, this therapy addresses the cause of many chronic conditions rather than merely treating symptoms. RLT does this by correcting four key mechanisms: mitochondrial dysfunction, low collagen production, poor circulation, and chronic inflammation.
Ionic Foot Detox
You can relax during this 30 minute session as the toxic burden in your body is reduced through the bottom of your feet! The ionic foot detox allows the body to cleanse itself of toxic waste and heavy metals through a gentle ionic charge.
Detoxing may improve:
Joint pain
Brain fog
Sleep quality
Skin conditions
Gut health
Immune function
Stress response/mood